Saturday, November 16, 2013

#edcmooc Blogs the new Geocities?

So... I am blogging now...
Much to my chagrin, I have had some difficulty getting my blog up and running as part of the class feed (E-Learning and Digital Culture).  I am hoping I am all set now, after some help from Andy Mitchell, Coursera Community TA.  I remember trying "blogging" a few years back to see how it was being used for distance learning classes.  At the time I didn't see much difference between the blog and an online forum.  I follow a few blogs now and I realized they were much more evolved; mini web pages instead of text posts. I am looking forward to using more of the tools available in future posts.

As part of my class #edcmooc we are supposed to create a digital "artefact".  After seeing some fantastic blog posts, I decided this was the platform I wanted to use. 

I started teaching distance learning courses in 1998.  I set-up web pages, I had my own domain, the whole bit.  I started incorporating student projects into my classes and encouraged the students to use technology to present their projects.  There were plenty of powerpoints, burned to CD, but there were also a lot of wonderful web pages hosted most often on Geocities.

For all you youngsters out there, want to see a true digital artefact? Give this link a try.  An interesting online article/post by Jessica Roy

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tina!
    I'm a late starter on EDC MOOC and, similarly to you, experience problems with linking my newly-created blog ( to the EDC MOOC News. Have sent a request for support, but haven't heard form anyone yet. I suppose they're busy with a huge number of students, so I'm being patient. ;)
    Sound like you have great experience in distance learning. May I ask what attracted you in the EDC MOOC?
